Company in judicial recovery can reduce debt by 90%

In an interview with the vehicle Valor Econômico, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency area, commented on the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice that allows the application of a discount for creditors who do not provide bank details. The Superior Court of Justice granted a packaging manufacturer from Cotia […]

STJ decides that credit not qualified in RJ is subject to a monetary adjustment limit:

The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice, in a recent decision[1] of the collegiate, considered that although the creditor’s eligibility for judicial recovery is not mandatory, unqualified credit is subject to a monetary adjustment limit. The new jurisprudential understanding of Article 9, item II of the Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (Law no. […]

The impacts of changing the Truck Drivers Law on the labor sphere

In June of that year, the ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided, by 8 votes to 3, to overturn provisions of the Truck Drivers Law (Law 13,103/2015), popularly known as the “Drivers Law”. Law No. 13,103/2015 is the legislation that published the CLT to regulate the profession of road freight transport driver, defining […]